Cornell University’s Paul Virkler, D.V.M., presented the December webinar, “Troubleshooting mastitis and milk quality programs.” While we often focus on the people and cows involved in...
Social media has almost become a bit of a necessary evil these days. We use it to keep in touch with friends and family, to ask advice, to buy and sell things, and to entertain each other and share
One of the best things an operation can do for its future is invest in taking care of calves in the first two months. Although that care can be accomplished a great number of ways
My workday now starts at 8:00 a.m., but when I’m on vacation visiting my family’s dairy in Kansas, it’s a 4:00 a.m. rise time. That’s not because my parents demand or even ask me...
Fall lasted particularly long throughout the country this year, but as temperatures drop and snow joins the party, winter seems to have finally arrived
Most would consider working 365 days a year a curse rather than a blessing. Waking up in the early hours of the morning and working well into the night is not a feat that most are willing to take on
In my last blog post, “Simple social media for a busy farmer (hotlink to past post), I explained why it was important that you engage your consumers through social media
Let’s be honest, Mother Nature can be one of a dairy farmer’s worst enemies. The unpredictable power and ability to literally make or break us, gives us a great amount of respect
Make sure that you have high-quality colostrum in stock. The excitement that a newborn calf brings can be one of the best feelings in the world. Unfortunately, the disappointment you feel when you discover...
We can help reduce animal stress when milking by maintaining a calm environment. Amidst the humming of fans and the constant rhythm of the milking machines, I tend to do some of my best thinking while...
Steps can be taken to measure the impact of soil compaction and, more importantly, avoid it in the first place. Bigger tractors and heavier machinery allow crop growers to cover more ground in a shorter...